
34/35 North Park, North Road,
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Telephone: (01) 860 1860
Email: info@ecilighting.ie


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Duncrue Road,
Belfast BT3 9BW
Telephone: (028) 9075 6436
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ECI Lighting | Prelux LED Outdoor and Garden Lighting
The Prelux LED garden lighting range includes ground spikes, bulkheads, coach lanterns and Morse PIR sensors and photocells.
prelux, garden lighting
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Outdoor & Garden Lighting

Holly II Spike/Surface Garden Floodlight

Spike/Surface Fittings Included

Bay Up/Down LED Outdoor Wall Light

IP65 Contemporary Design

Ascona Outdoor LED Wall Light

IP65 Architectural Up/Down

Carmel Round & Square Outdoor Ceiling Lights

Outdoor Architectural Lighting

Campsbay Outdoor LED Wall Lights in Single or Double

Contemporary Exterior Lighting

Lagoon Up/Down LED Outdoor Wall Light

Up/Down Architectural Design

Prelux Liberty LED Bollard - Street Lighting

Architectural Street Lighting

Prelux Liberty LED Wallpack Light Fitting

Contemporary Architectural Design

Beam Adjustable LED Wall Light

IP65 Contemporary Design

Prelux PIRs & Sensors

Surface & Recessed Versions Available