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ECI Lighting | Prelux Saturn Hi-Tower LED Road Lighting
Prelux Saturn Hi-Tower Road Lighting comes complete with Nichia SMD LED Chip and a Meanwell driver and produces a highly efficient 120lm/W.
prelux hi-tower, LED road lighting
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Saturn Hi-Tower Street Lighting

Prelux LED Hi-Twoer Street Lighting
CE, RoHS Approved

CIE, EN, IESNA Compliant

50W / 90W Models

6,000Lm / 10,800Lm

Type II Road Lighting

5 Year Warranty

Prelux Hi-Tower Type II LED Street Lighting

The Prelux Saturn Hi-Tower is a Type II Medium LED street light making it suitable for main roads (fast speed), collecting roads (medium speed) and roundabouts (slow speed).


The Hi-Tower comes complete with Nichia SMD LED Chips and a Meanwell Inventronics driver which contains an integrated surge protection device. Hi-Tower has a luminous efficacy of up to 120lm/W. The Hi-Tower’s inherent reliability is ensured by rigorous production line inspection and testing, and thorough burn-in procedures.


Prelux LED are so confident in the design, internal parts and build quality of the Hi-Tower that the fitting comes with a five year warranty.

Prelux Hi-Tower cooling fins

Prelux Hi-Tower Product Features

  • Hi-Tower 50W 6000Lm

    • PXTOWER50 4000K 6000Lm > Download Data Sheet

  • Hi-Tower 90W 6000Lm

    • PXTOWER90 4000K 10,800Lm > Download Data Sheet