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ECI Lighting | Eurospot Emergency Trackspots
The Prelux Eurospot Track Emergency 3 circuit fitting includes LiFePO4 lithium battery & provides 220lm for 3h in emergency mode. 5 year fitting / 4 year battery warranty included.
Eurospot, Prelux, Emergency Lighting, Emergency Lights, Emergency Track Spot
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Eurospot Emergency Trackspots

Prelux Eurospot Emergency Track Spot
CE, UKCA Approved

5 Year Warranty

3 Circuit Fittings

5 Year Fitting Warranty

4 Year Battery Warranty

LiFePO4 Lithium Battery

IP20 Protection Rating

Suitable for Indoor Applications

50,000 Hour Lifetime

Prelux Eurospot 3 Circuit Emergency LED Track Spotlights

The Eurospot Track Emergency is a 3 circuit fitting which can be either maintained or non-maintained.
The LiFePO4 lithium battery pack provides 220lm for 3h in emergency mode. It also comes complete with a 5 year fitting warranty and a 4 year battery warranty.


3 Circuit Fitting
Provides 3h @1.7W 220Lm in Emergency Mode
LiFePO4 Lithium Battery Pack
Switch for Maintained/Non Maintained
Manual Test/Auto Test
Battery On/Off Switch
  • Eurospot Emergency Track Spot White

    • PXTREMW EM Track Spot White > Data Sheet

  • Eurospot Emergency Track Spot Black

    • PXTREMB EM Track Spot Black > Data Sheet