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ECI Lighting | Prelux Aglaia Linkable LED Pendant
The Prelux Aglaia is versatile linear LED light fitting which can be linked together and installed as a surface fitting or suspended as a pendant.
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Aglaia Linkable LED

Prelux Agalaia Linkable LED
CE, RoHS Approved

5 Year Warranty

40W 110Lm/W

4400 Lumens

Linkable Fittings

8mm Between Luminaires

Prelux Agalaia Linkable LED Surface / Pendant

The Prelux Aglaia brings the perfect combination of form and function to a range of installations. The linkable design provides a near seamless join in the fittings, with a mere 8mm distance between the luminaires.


The extruded aluminium frame enables highly effective thermal dissipation, resulting in a 50,000 hour LED lifetime. The fitting can also be installed as
a pendant or surface mounted.


Aglaia provides an impressive 110lm/W making it an ideal fitting for schools, hospitals and libraries as well as retail stores and commercial offices.

  • Prelux Aglaia Linkable LED

    • PXAGLAIA 40w 4,400Lm > Download Data Sheet