
34/35 North Park, North Road,
Finglas, Dublin 11, D11 E364, Ireland
Telephone: (01) 860 1860
Email: info@ecilighting.ie


3 Duncrue Industrial Park,
Duncrue Road,
Belfast BT3 9BW
Telephone: (028) 9075 6436
Email: belfast@ecilighting.co.uk

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ECI Lighting | Sales Contact Details
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Sales Contact Details

If you wish to contact our sales representatives directly then please refer to the list below.

Wholesale Customer Contacts

Sales Email: sales@ecilighting.ie

Sales Tel: 00353 1 860 1860


Ken Campbell

Mobile: 086 271 6743

Email: kcampbell@ecilighting.ie


Cathal Clarke

Mobile: 086 034 8631

Email: cathal@ecilighting.ie

Lighting as a Service Contacts

Sales Email: info@ecienergy.com

Sales Tel: 00353 1 860 1860


Paul Lynch

Mobile: 086 044 0371

Email: paul.lynch@ecienergy.com


Raymund Kelly

Mobile: 0044 776 726 1182

Email: raymund.kelly@ecienergy.com


Cathal Clarke

Mobile: 086 034 8631

Email: cathal.clarke@ecienergy.com

Specification Customer Contacts

Sales Email: info@ecilighting.ie

Sales Tel: 00353 1 860 1860


Tom O’Brien

Mobile: 086 8199 802

Email: tobrien@ecilighting.ie


Jeff Hanratty

Mobile: 086 048 6461

Email: jeff@ecilighting.ie


Raymond McKenny

Mobile: 0044 79 3059 0125

Email: raymond@ecilighting.co.uk


Cathal Clarke

Mobile: 086 034 8631

Email: cathal@ecilighting.ie


Dave Cahill

Mobile: 086 267 4667

Email: david@ecilighting.ie


Design Dept

Mobile: 087 9090 288

Email: design@ecilighting.ie

Accounts Contacts

Accounts Email: ap@ecilighting.ie

Accounts Tel: 00353 1 860 1860