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ECI Lighting | RCSI Auditorium Project - Regent Lighting
View the stunning results of the Regent Lighting LED profile channels which were recently installed in the RCSI auditorium project.
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RCSI Auditorium Project Case Study

RCSI Academic Building by Henry J Lyons Architects

Project Case Study:

Royal College of Surgeons Ireland

New Academic Building
Lecture Auditorium
26 York Street,
Off Stephen’s Green,
Dublin 2

ECI Lighting became involved in the construction of a new RCSI academic education building at the early planning stages. The project architects, Henry J Lyons and consulting engineers, Axis Engineering provided ECI Lighting with the auditorium floor plans.

Regent channel 4000K LED profiles were selected as the main source of lighting for the auditorium along with Beacon Muse track spots and Lumistrip Pro. The lighting design team at ECI Lighting provided illuminance projections for the 32m wide space.

The lighting design team provided the architects and engineers with average illuminance and uniformity calculations for the space.

3 dimensional modelling was also provided to assist all stakeholders in visualizing their project lighting requirements for the auditorium.

Completed Project Images

Once the project construction began, ECI Lighting worked closely with the contractors to supply the chosen light fittings to site as and when it was required. We were immensely proud to be involved in such a high profile and ambitous project from start to finish.

RCSI Auditorium-ECI Lighting

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