
34/35 North Park, North Road,
Finglas, Dublin 11, D11 E364, Ireland
Telephone: (01) 860 1860
Email: info@ecilighting.ie


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Duncrue Road,
Belfast BT3 9BW
Telephone: (028) 9075 6436
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ECI Lighting | McCabes Pharmacy Dublin
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McCabes Pharmacy Dublin

  • McCabes Pharmacy Lighting Dublin

McCabes Pharmacy, Dublin

Retail Lighting, Shop Lighting
About This Project

Lighting plays a key role in creating an inviting atmosphere in retail stores and this is especially evident in the recent refurbishment of McCabes Pharmacies nationwide. ECI Lighting supplied Regent ceiling mounted linear luminaires which were coupled with varying sizes of downlights and a number of stunning Glashutte Limburg pendants to create a bright and inviting ambiance. With over 60 years experience in the design and supply of luminaires for retail, ECI are Ireland’s leading experts in creating the most effective light conditions to optimise customer experience.