
34/35 North Park, North Road,
Finglas, Dublin 11, D11 E364, Ireland
Telephone: (01) 860 1860
Email: info@ecilighting.ie


3 Duncrue Industrial Park,
Duncrue Road,
Belfast BT3 9BW
Telephone: (028) 9075 6436
Email: belfast@ecilighting.co.uk

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ECI Lighting | Ares Lighting
Ares Lighting is a leading Italian manufacturer of high quality architectural luminaires. Call ECI at 00353 1860 1860 to learn more about Ares Lighting.
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Ares Lighting Catalogue 2017

Download the Ares Lighting 2017 Catalogue

Ares stands out for its strong commitment and great creativity and deals with the constant innovation of the outdoor lighting market by offering quality products, manufactured with pure materials; aluminium, stainless steel and glass.


Each creation is a challenge; understanding, analysing and projecting to reach harmony and fusion of structure, light, architecture and setting.


Call ECI Lighting at 00353 1 860 1860 or email: info@ecilighting.ie for more information on Ares.

Call us at 00353 1860 1860 or Email: info@ecilighting.ie for more information on Ares Lighting