
34/35 North Park, North Road,
Finglas, Dublin 11, D11 E364, Ireland
Telephone: (01) 860 1860
Email: info@ecilighting.ie


3 Duncrue Industrial Park,
Duncrue Road,
Belfast BT3 9BW
Telephone: (028) 9075 6436
Email: belfast@ecilighting.co.uk

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ECI Lighting | Abacus Lighting
Abacus Lighting is a world leader in the design and manufacture of outdoor and public lighting solutions for streets, roads, car parks and sports fields.
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Abacus Outdoor Lighting Catalogue

Download the Abacus Lighting Brochure

Abacus Lighting, a world leader in the design, manufacture, installation and maintenance of high performance exterior lighting solutions.


Whether its lighting your local sports field or a major stadium, a retail car park, town and city centre, a port or an airport, a road or motorway, Abacus has the capability to provide an exterior lighting solution no matter the specification, planning requirement or architectural theme.

Abacus Lighting, an ISO9001, ISO14001 and Investor in People company.


Call ECI Lighting at 00353 1 860 1860 or email: info@ecilighting.ie for more information on Abacus Lighting.

Lighting Columns

Abacus Lighting has over 50 years experience in the lighting industry, manufacturing and supplying lighting columns for a broad range of applications.

High Mast Lighting

Abacus Lighting are renowned worldwide for our continuous innovation in floodlighting and high mast systems, including tailor-made bespoke solutions.

Monopole Lighting

Mobile phone networks depend on the durability of Abacus Monopoles in some of the most inhospitable and challenging environments across the World.

Call us at 00353 1860 1860 or Email: info@ecilighting.ie for more information on Abacus